Redefining PAD diagnosis and treatment

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) is preventable and treatable with early detection. CorRen Medical is pioneering fast, easy, accurate PAD diagnosis.

Early, accurate detection is key

75% of PAD patients are asymptomatic and are not aware of their risk.  Current Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI) testing methods are difficult to administer, often inaccurate and can be uncomfortable for patients.  These challenges can lead to false negative test results, putting patients at unncessary risk of limb loss or premature mortaility.

CorRen Medical UltraSense Ultrasound Brachial Artery Index

Fast, accurate, easy diagnosis

UltraSense is a disruptive ultrasound technology combined with an AI platform that provides clinicians with the insight needed for appropriate treatment and prevention. UltraSense’s ease of use, reliability and accuracy reduce medical staff training, lower the cost of diagnosis and improve patient comfort.  Primary care givers can now confidently diagnose PAD, enabling early diagnosis and treatment.  With early detection and treatment, limbs and lives can be saved.

Multi-element probe

  • Quick, accurate vessel location
  • No more doppler pencil probe frustration
  • Hands-free vessel location, regardless of body type
  • Enhanced patient comfort
  • Adheres to CMS reimbursement guidelines

CorRen Medical UltraSense multi-element ultrasound probe

Stochastic resonance technology

  • Boosts weak signals
  • Allows clinician to hear what legacy systems cannot
  • Eliminates test variability
  • Decreases test time by over 70%

CorRen Medical UltraSense PAD diagnosis vessel lock screen

Advanced AI analysis

  • Quick and accurate diagnosis
  • Easy-to-understand reports
  • Minimal staff training required
  • Identification of key PAD indicators

CorRen Medical UltraSense advanced AI PAD diagnostic system

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Key Connections

Partner:  BETA MN
Partner:  MN Cup
Partner:  MN DEED
Partner:  University of MN<br />
Partner: University of MS Medical Center
Partner:  University Health