Peripheral Artery Disease is preventable and treatable

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) can lead to leg or foot amputation and even heart attack or stroke but PAD is preventable and treatable with early detection.

Early detection is key

75% of PAD patients are asymptomatic and are not aware of their risk.  Current Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI) testing methods present challenges for both medical staff and patients.

Early PAD detection breakthrough

UltraSense is a disruptive ultrasound technology combined with an AI platform that provides clinicians with the insight needed for appropriate treatment and prevention. Our patented system can also be used to measure and record ankle/toe arterial flow during PAD Endovascular procedures, confirming revascularization.

Accuracy and sensitivity

  • Proprietary multi-element ultrasound technology
  • Advanced AI-driven algorithms
  • Proprietary stochastic resonance technology to boost signal even for low flow states

Ease of use

  • Ultrasound accuracy with oscillometry convenience
  • Automatic blood vessel acquisition
  • Enhanced patient comfort and experience
  • Eliminates test variability

Lower cost of care

  • Decreased medical staff time
  • Minimal training requirements
  • Adherence to CMS guidelines
  • Expansion of patient screening to primary care

Ready to learn more?